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  • Marilyn Stivers


I was told one can hear the voice of God in Bach's music. I was intrigued. So, I began playing Bach. I found a new interest in Bach, but I didn't hear the "voice of God". I remained intrigued and continued practicing – and practicing. I got better at playing Bach but I didn’t hear “the voice of God”. One day, after a couple of hours at the piano, I decided to take a break and sit on my deck. The deck is very high from the ground extending into a ring of giant old oak trees. It was a perfect day - a 10 out of 10 - cool, sunny, low humidity. The calm was utterly surreal. Bumblebees busy in the roses, birds chirping in the trees, katydids humming in the weeds, a distant dog barking, faint sounds of a neighbor working, a small plane flying overhead, a crow cawing nearby, a robin's sharp chirping. Now, a hummingbird alarming me -- too close, too fast! But, not a breeze in the trees. I think "quiet" isn't correct, but oh so "calm". And then, unreal, - a hawk lands on the deck rail - not more than three feet away from me. We make eye contact. Still, he stays. Seconds pass and still we maintain eye contact. He flies away. Did I just "hear" the "voice" of God”??? 

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